Hours of Operation
School Hours: 7:50 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Early Release Hours: 7:50 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Pine Hill School’s core values of respect and concern for others, personal responsibility, and excellence in learning are promoted throughout the school community. Noteworthy features of the school include a warm and friendly atmosphere, strong parent/guardian involvement, a high degree of fiscal community support, a talented and dedicated faculty, and a commitment to favorable class sizes.
Pine Hill School has on average 20 class sections with approximately 400 students in pre-kindergarten through grade five. The average class size at Pine Hill School is approximately 18-22 students.
Educational Program
The curriculum of the Pine Hill School is designed to promote problem-solving, thinking strategies, and the development of creative abilities while emphasizing the mastery of basic skills. Integration of the subject areas is stressed in order to help students make meaningful associations in their learning. Grade-level teachers meet weekly to discuss curriculum and student issues. The curriculum is designed to maximize opportunities for a wide range of abilities. An integrated classroom experience allows all children to explore and expand upon various aspects of the curriculum based on interest, motivation, and aptitude.
The classroom curriculum is supported by a strong specialist program, which includes music, art, library, health, and physical education. Teaching and learning are also enhanced by a technology specialist who works with students and teachers in the classroom. A band program during the school day is available for fourth and fifth graders.
A well-developed program for students with special needs includes language remediation, related services, and an integrated preschool classroom. Services focus on maintaining students within the classroom setting whenever feasible. School counselors are available to work in all Pine Hill classrooms and with individual or small groups of students as well as parents/guardians.
Student Council
The Student Council offers students their first experience with a representative form of government. Two students from each class in grades three through five are elected to represent their classmates. Elections are held twice a year to maximize opportunities for students to participate. During weekly meetings with the principal and the student council advisor, students share their thoughts and concerns regarding the enhancement of the school climate and work on service projects to benefit the school and the community.